

System Management

Customer Communication


Customer Communication

AW Consulting has a 10 year relationship with one of the oldest direct marketing companies in South Africa enabling us to offer services such as;

AW Consulting has a Bulk SMS platform which enables us to access to the entire infrastructure ensuring an uninterrupted service, delivery and MIS to our clients. 

Our solution is secure, simple and dependable in a South African mobile phone market that continues to grow.  A new era in direct marketing presents companies an exciting new tool: the SMS or Text Message. We aim to provide your company with a ground breaking tool that will revolutionize the way you communicate with your customers.  We are part of a team of industry leaders, who have carefully developed a safe, easy to use, reliable, high capacity, online SMS platform which will enable you to reach your customers – direct - on their mobile phones!

Advanced features include:

This product has unlimited potential and is perfect for communicating with members of clubs or societies, sales personnel in the field, organising and announcing events and so much more!

Our product offering includes;

Contact Us on Email: AWCInfo@awconsult.co.za

AW Consulting is a proud member of WASPA and the DMA